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Since it’s re-design in November 2001, the Club’s website has received thousands of visitors. Feedback, both directly from the site, as well as through more traditional channels, has brought about some further changes. Modifications to the site have been made by way of both additions and adjustments. The main focus has been to improve navigation within the site and to make information more readily available.
“ITIC Publications“ has moved from its previous home within the ITIC Members site to the main site. This allows both existing, and potential Members, as well as insurance brokers, to access electronic versions of the Club’s literature. As well as featuring the latest Club publications, the section continues to offer both on-line and downloadable versions of previous issues of the “Intermediary“, the Claims Review and the Club’s Circulars. New additions to the Publications section include issue 11 of the Claims Review as well as two recently produced Club Circulars. The first, entitled “Bill of Lading Fraud“, is a reissue of an earlier circular warning of the dangers involved in issuing bills of lading knowing the details to be incorrect. The second circular, “Ship Agents Beware!“, focuses on the issue of ship agents being used by deceitful individuals to unwittingly assist in illegal immigration scams. This circular aroused considerable interest, from ITIC Members, and the maritime press, with both “Lloyds List“ & “Fairplay“ running articles on the subject. The Circular also resulted in an interview on Radio Netherlands. The Club’s claims director, Julia Mavropoulos, was interviewed live by presenter Perro de Jong on 28th March, 2002. A recorded version of the interview has been uploaded onto the site in “real audio“ format, and a transcript of Julia’s interview can be found on page 31 within this issue.
Another new feature within the site has been the creation of the “Bulletins & Press Releases“ section. In addition to providing visitors with warnings on current issues or problems throughout the industry, press releases, cuttings and articles written by ITIM staff for external publications can be found on page 31. If anybody has an issue that they feel would benefit other Club Members by being featured in the Bulletins section, we would be more than pleased to hear from them.
Although hard copies of the Club’s Rule Book are readily available to Members, insurance brokers and potential Members, the additional availability of the Rules in an electronic version has proved to be useful. An online version and downloadable Microsoft Word version of the Rules can now be found within the “ITIC Cover & Rules“ section of the main site.
With it’s redesign last year, the website saw the launch of the Credit Management Information Centre (CMIC). The cover page of issue 11 of the Claims Review was dedicated to the CMIC, advising of its availability and cases where its usage would have helped the Member. The CMIC has proved to be a great success, with many Members using the service to check whether the Club has debt records relating to specific companies or ships, as well as notifying debts using an on-line form. A self-running demonstration of how to use the system has been created and can be downloaded for viewing off-line. CMIC access is limited to those Members who have purchased Rule 10 (Additional Legal Expenses and Debt Collection) insurance. Passwords are accordingly required to enter the system. If you have Rule 10 cover, but don’t know your password, please contact your account executive at the Club.
All Members are encouraged to use the site, and to promote it within their company. There is a wealth of loss prevention material and a visit to, may well help your company to avoid a claim in the future.