Interview with Ioanna Efthymiou

Interview with Ioanna Efthymiou

How long have you worked at ITIC?
It’s been only one month since I joined ITIC.

What is the biggest challenge when it comes to claims?
I have a legal background, and the most challenging aspect at the moment is responding to claims and reviewing the relevant contracts from an insurer’s perspective.

For example, when a member asks us to review a contract I need to look at the particular clauses that may affect the cover and/or the member’s liability. A law firm may look at clauses concerning say, payment terms, but that is not a matter for an insurer.

What is the most memorable claim you have handled?
Since I’ve been with ITIC for only one month, I haven’t handled very complex or particularly memorable claims yet. I find ship management claims the most exciting ones though.

What is your favourite part of dealing with claims?
I love dealing with people from all around the world. Everyone has their own unique style in communicating their concerns and you need to see things from their perspective in order to understand and help them out.

Any life ambitions or future goals still to achieve?
I’d love to travel to Korea and Japan.

What is your favourite saying?
“It’s never too late.”

What are your hobbies and favourite pastimes?
I love reading and having discussions with family and friends, putting forward arguments and exploring their viewpoints on several subjects.

What is your favourite food?
My Mom’s Greek roast chicken and potatoes.

What is your favourite film?
I don’t think I have a favourite film. “The Shawshank Redemption” is one of the best films I’ve seen though. Another film that has stuck with me for years is a Korean film named “Always”.

What is the last book you read or music you downloaded?
The last book I read is “The Black Moon”, the fifth novel in the Poldark series of historical novels exploring the life of a family in Cornwall back in the 18th century. I love the way the author, Winston Graham makes the characters and the era feel so real.

Any pet hates?
I have a love-hate relationship with cats.

If you weren’t working at ITIC, what would you be doing?
I would be enjoying a long honeymoon.

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